Thursday, 30 April 2009

Project Runway - Season One, Episode One, Part One

Oh, Runway. How you have treated me well over these last two years that I have been watching you. For those of you who are unaware, Project Runway is a fashion design show, where a number of contestants - ranging from 12 to 16 depending on the season - are given a challenge each week and must create a garment that suits the challenge requirements. Often there's trainwrecks and tragedies, and couple that with a whole host of bitching and catty contestants, you've got a sure fire hit on your hands. It also helps that this fabulous creature:

is the host of the show. So, enough of the introduction to the show, let's move on to the very first season: a time when Heidi Klum was in no way suited to hosting a reality TV show, and the world had not been introduced en masse to Tim Gunn, Michael Kors, and the next best thing to Heidi Klum:

But more on her later. Let's get to the contestant introductions. Well, after one last fierce girl from this season.

Her name is Morgan Quinn. She is a tragedy waiting to happen, but she's so awesome that is doesn't really matter right now.

Mario believes that New York is the heart of fashion, and "never" compromises his art, and tries to "satisfy himself and nobody else". Which is perfect if, you know, this wasn't a show where you have to satisfy the judges each week; this will become rather quickly apparent, though.

Nora recently graduated from the Pratt Institute, where she won the award for two years in a row for the best collection. She's also the youngest designer. Again, keep that in mind for later.

Austin is a man. Honestly. He's also had a "love of clothes", and as a child "played dress-up". Not really surprising, given Austin as a whole package. He says that he tried to fit in during high school, but was "completely teased" regardless.

Jay McCarroll worked in porn for an "online sex website". No idea exactly what he was doing and how being a designer played in to that, but I won't ask. He explains that he looked at his apartment and everything he owned was bought with "dirty money", so he quit his job. The other designers apparently decided that fact that he's bigger than the rest of them meant that he was best to carry their suitcases out of their van, to which he called them "mother****ers." Already you kind of fall in love with him (all over again).

Alexandra has an accent that I can't quite put my finger on. She went to "school" for fashion, but doesn't say which one, so either she didn't do quite as well as Nora did at Pratt or just doesn't give much explanation when she makes statements. Anyhoo, she has her "own line" selling in boutiques. People think she's a dumb blonde, too.

Kara looks surprised in the above photo. Which is a bit weird, since you figure they posed for these photos. She's a "costume designer", who has designed for Queen Latifah. And Eve, but we don't find that out from her own mouth, so maybe she didn't like her. Who knows. Anyway, she explains that her reasoning for coming on is that "on the movie set" people always ask her why she doesn't have her own line out. And it's always been her dream etc.

Starr is a walking trainwreck, much like Morgan. Except she isn't as good a walker as Morgan is, and her designs are generally abominations. But they're also awesome at the same time. Starr is a lawyer in a "prominent" law firm, but also loves designing clothes and is kind of torn between the two career options. I'd love to see her clients faces when they're told "here's your attorney, Starr..."

Vanessa looks drunk already in her photo. Kind of typical given what comes in the later episodes. Her first words on the show (in her awesome British accent, which is so nice to see against the American ones) are that she's "so unhealthy" when compared with her roommates (Alexandra, Starr and Kara), who she proclaims as "Miss Venezuela" (understandable), "Audrey Hepburn" (who was much more fab) and "Miss...Caribbean" (sweeping generalisation). She's spent the last ten years setting up her own business based in Houston.

Wendy Pepper: don't let the dowdy glasses, bad hair and overuse of eye shadow fool you. This woman is pure, hatred-filled evil. The Devil explains that she has a "small business in a small town in Virginia". How nice for you. She says that Project Runway will "afford her" parts of the industry she wouldn't have access to otherwise. She tries to be a motherly figure. I pity her kid.

Rob likes to call Wendy "mom", and got in to fashion through his "mom". Let's hope that there's no direct relation between these two statements. His inspiration is "cars", because sportcars are like women in the way that they're "sleek, sexy and extremely dangerous". Whatever you say, Rob. Furthermore, he's the designated "hot guy" of the season, the XY to the XX of Alexandra.

Kevin has been designing for twelve years, because it was a "family business". He says that his parents didn't want him to get in to the "apparel business" because it's so hard. He wants to be the next "great...American...designer", in that tone of voice, with a creepy smile on his face.

See what I mean?

SHAZAM! Last and...well, I won't finish that particular phrase, but here's Daniel, who wants to let the world see what he can "offer to the fashion industry". He then tells us that he launched his first collection eons ago (in fashion time) and then had to quit because his dad got sick. Now his dad is better, and Daniel has a new outlook on life for this show: "Follow your bliss". Maybe he hoped it would become a new catchphrase.

That's your twelve. In the next post: drama as Wendy Pepper fears shopping!

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